+1 (516) 273-5500

Terms and Conditions

These terms are a  legally binding agreement between you and local ranked its affiliates and providers (“Company” , “our” , “we”, or “us”) that govern your access and use of the local rank’s service (“vs”) , Local rank business business eligibility platform (“local rank platform”) for an initial period of 12 months. The local rank website available at local (“website”) and any other software, features, products, content and services that we may provide to you at any time (Collectively, “Service”)

By Entering into these Terms and/or by accessing or using the service, you consent to our access, collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information as set forth in our privacy policy (“privacy Policy”) which is incorporated herein by Reference.

if you do not agree to be bound by the provisions of these terms or if you do not have the legal authority to accept them on behalf of the entity you represent, you may not use or access the service.

These term apply o all users of the Services as follows (each of which shall be referred to as “user” or “you”):

“Customer” any individual or entity that uses “VS”, purchases a licence to use the local Rank platform (Whether directly or indirectly via partner or Reseller), or access or use of any other Services.

“End User” any  individual that accesses and uses the website or users one of the products offered on a customer website (as defined below).

If you are entering into these terms on behalf of legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity to these Terms, in which case the term “ you” will refer to such entity. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with these Terms, you must not accept these Terms and you may not use the Service.  By clicking a box indicating your acceptance  of these Terms, you agree you have read and are bound by the terms of these Terms.

The Services are intended for use by individuals who are of the legal age required to form legally binding contracts under applicable law and in no event under the age of 18 . These terms are void where prohibited by law and right to access and use the Services is not granted in such jurisdiction . By using the Services , you represent and warrant that you are 18 years of age or older. If you are not 18 years of age or older, you must not access and use any of the Services. In no circumstances are the services available to any person or entity who have had their user Account (as defined below) temporarily or permanently deactivated, or any person or entity that seeks to use the Services in violation of these Terms.


  1. Local Rank is an interactive navigation maps and voice search platforms on the world wide web of (of all part of) the world wide web.
  2. Such service example as follows : Google voice, Bixby, Cortana, Siri and Alexa.
  3. We may not be able to complete all or parts of this Service if you have an existing listings management service with any third parties that we rely on to provide this Service.
  4. Some parts of this Service require you to authorize us to access/manage your accounts, including your Google account. If you do not provide such authorization, we will not be able to complete this Service with respect your Google page, or with respect to other third party sites requiring you to provide similar authorization.

Acceptable Use

You and Your Personnel (or anyone or your behalf) will not: (i) impersonate another person or entity defame, abuse, harass, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others, including privacy and intellectual property rights; (ii) remove, disable, circumvent or otherwise create or implement any workaround to any intellectual property rights , rights management or security features in or protecting the Services or any part thereof; (iii) make the Local Rank Platform or VC available on a network where they may be accessed by any third party; (iv) use the Services on or in  connection with any website which is or promotes obscene, excessively profane, racist, ethnically offensive,  threatening infringing, excessively violent, libelous, gambling-related or discriminatory, offensive, misleading or deceptive; (v) change,edit, add to, copy or extract any content from or produce summaries of the Services or any part thereof Services,or attempt to gain access to any systems or network that connect thereto; (vii) use the Services in any unlawful manner for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner contrary to or inconsistent with these Terms or applicable law; (viii) use VC in any manner that may damage, disable , overburden or  impair it in any manner; and (ix) create or attempt to create a substitute or similar service or product through your use of the Services. We reserve the right to investigate and take appropriate action against anyone who, in our sole discretion, violates the foregoing including, terminating, and /or suspending your User account or access to services without  prior notice, and/or reporting such activities to the authorities.

Intellectual Property; License

The Services, the technology and software underlying the Services or distributed in connection therewith (“Software”) and any company content, information, graphics files, media and audio files, materials, including designs and graphics (collectively “content”) including the company databases, systems and applications and all upgrades and updates, corrections and enhancements thereto and all copyrights and all copyrights and intellectual  property rights related thereto (collectively “company IP”) are the property of the company it affiliates and and its licenses  and company its affiliates, and licenses retain all right, title and interest in and to the company  IP.  Any use of the company IP other than as specifically authorized herein is prohibited. All use of the company IP shall inure to the benefit  the company, its affiliates and licenses  . All rights in the company IP that are not expressly granted herein are reserved by the company , its affiliates, and licenses  . Except as expressly authorized by company ,you agree not to (i) use , modify, copy, frame, mirror, adapt, scrape or create derivative works based on the company IP, in whole or in part; (ii) rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, assign, lease, sub license or otherwise transfer any right in the company IP ; or (iii)

Subject to the provision of these terms, customer hereby grants to company a limited non exclusive , non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royality - free fully paid, license during the term hereof to :
(I) Access and use the customer website solely as required to provide customer with the local rank platform ;
(ii) Translate, adapt and display the content of the license website such that it will be available to customer end users. All rights that are not expressly granted to us herein reserved by the customers.
Company may not make any use of the customer website, in whole or in part, not expressly permitted hereunder. Unless Customer Notifies company otherwise in writing, company may , and customer hereby grants to company the limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free and fully paid up, non-transferable (except as set forth herein) right and license to, refer to customer as one of company’s customer and use its logo as part of such reference (including on the website), provided the company complies with any trademark usage requirements notified to it by customer.

Fee :  Payment and charges

 1. To access and use the local rank platform you must purchase and subscription (“subscription”) unless otherwise agreed with us, in writing, The local rank platform is provided , according to the subscription plan you choose, in accordance with the respective subscription plans available on the website (“subscription Plan” and “subscription period”, respectively)

  1. The fee will be as quoted in the service pricing from time to time.
  2. The Service Pricing will explain whether the fees that you are to pay for the service are one time fees , recurring fees (for example, 1 - time payment, annual, month, etc.) transaction- based service fees or some other kind of fees.
  3. The Fees for a service exclude all applicable sales taxes and other taxes which will be added on to the Fees

    In consideration of the provision of the local rank platform, you agree to pay us the applicable fees in accordance with your subscription plan(“subscription Fees”) Subscription Fees are stated in U.S Dollars . We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update the subscription fees, at any time, and will notify you if such update may affect your existing subscription plan upon its renewal.

  4. A) Subscription Fees are non-refundable.

2.1 Payment, terms, and conditions.

  1. Charges are based on the billing criteria under the applicable program.
  2. There are no warranties, exchange, or refunds on local rank fees once your business.
  3. There are no warranties, exchanges, or refund on local rank fees once your business is submitted, synchronized and deemed eligible by the digital by the digital platform(s)
  4. The client acknowledge the upon submission annual or one- time payments, the funds collected are allocated for , the programming, submission, and synchronization on the selected digital platform (s)

3) If there is a minimum term requirement for a service, this will be set out in the service terms and will be confirmed to you in the confirmation of order (“Minimum term”). The minimum term, if any, begins on the date your service begin(“start date”). Your Services will continue after the end of minimum term, unless otherwise specified in the service terms, until canceled by user you. Your service begin on the start date continue on an annual basis until cancelled by us or you.

  1. When you submit your order, you must provide us with the payment information that we request, which may include:
  2. Details for a valid credit card form a card issuer acceptable to us ; or
  3. Details for a valid bank account.
  4. You must keep your credit card or bank account information up to date at all times during the term of the agreement. You authorise us to check you information (including any updated information), to obtain credit authorizations from the issuer of your credit card, and to either charge your credit card or debit your bank account from time to time for any sum’s payable by you to us. If any of the service you have purchased are on a monthly, quarterly or annual plan.

    B) You must keep your credit card or bank account information up to date at all times during the term of the agreement. You authorize us to check your information (including any updated information) to obtain credit authorizations from the issuer of your credit card, and to either charge your credit card or debit your bank account from time to time for any sum’s payable by you to us. If any of the services you have purchased are on a monthly, quarterly or annual plan, it is your responsibility to keep your credit card and bank information up - to- date.
  5. You must pay for the services when we require you to. We will charge the card or take the money from the bank account whose details you give us when you place your order.
  6. If you do not pay when you are supposed to

    We may charge you interest on the overdue amount at the lesser of 1.5% per month or the highest rate allowed by applicable laws. This interest will accrue on a daily basis from the due date until the due date until the date of actual payment of the overdue amount wheather or not this payment.
  7. If you do not pay when you are supposed to :
  8. We may charge you interest on the overdue amount at the lesser of 1.5% per month or the highest rate allowed by applicable laws. This interest will accure on a daily basis from the due date until the date of actual payment of the overdue amount, whether or not this payment occurs before or after any court judgement is made. You must pay us interest in addition to the overdue amount.

    2) Web reserve the right to suspend or cancel all or part of the services and your access to them.

    F) We may offset any amounts you owe us (whether in reimbursement or otherwise) against any payment we make to you.

    You hereby authorize us, either directly or through the payment provider(s), to charge the subscription fees via your selected payment method upon its due date. Unless expressly set forth herein , the subscription fees are non-canacelable and non-refundable. In the event of failure to collect the subscription Fees owed by you , we may, at our sole discretion (but shall not be obligated to ) retry to collect it at a lator time, and /or suspend or cancel your access to the local rank platform, without notice. We reserve the right , discreation to .

    6. Subscription Fees are Exclusive of any and all taxes(including sales tax), levies or duties which may be imposed in respect of these terms and the purchase of the subscription hereunder (collectively “taxes”) except for Taxes imposed on our income. You agree that no withholding taxes shall be applied to the Subscription fee and that insofar as any such taxes apply under applicable law, you shall gross up such taxes so that we shall receive a net amount equal to the amount we would have received had no such tax applied.
  1. You agree to provide us with accurate, complete and updated billing information, and you authorize us (either directly or through our affiliates, subsidiaries, or other third parties) to charge, request and collect payment (or otherwise charge, refund or take any other billing actions) from your payment method, and to make any inquiries that we may consider necessary to validate your designated financial information, to ensure prompt payment, including for the purpose of receiving updated payment details from your credit card company (e.g., updated expiry or card number)
  1. If you have purchased a Subscription based product you may cancel with in 72 hours of the date of your subscription(“Subscription period”) by providing us with a written notice.

Your Content Data

While using the services, you may submit and share content and information with us, including feedback, data, comments, improvements , suggestions, questions, ideas or other material (collectively “Your content”) . You are solely responsible for your content . You represent and warrant that you own all intellectual property rights in and your content, including all intellectual property rights and right of publicity contained therein or thereto. You hereby grant company with irrevocable, worldwide, perceptual, unrestrictive, non-exclusive, royalty free, transferable and sublicensable  right and license to use, copy distribute, disseminate prepare derivative work of, and display your content in any manner we deem fit, including for commercial purposes or otherwise, at our sole discretion and without acknowledgement or compensation to you but in each case, we will not share or publish your personal information without your express prior written consent. You assume all risk associated with your content and its transmission have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, legality and appropriateness of your content.

You understand that when you access or use the Services or any part thereof, we may access collect and share certain personal You understand that when you access or use the Services or any part thereof, we may access, collect, and share certain Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Policy) from, and/or about you as described in the Privacy Policy ("Your Data").

To better understand our practices with respect to Your Data please review the Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference.

Technical Information

The Company provides technical support services to Customers, during normal business hours via e-mail. These technical support services include assistance in operating the Local Rank Platform, solutions to errors and bugs in the Local Rank Platform. Customer agrees to provide Company's support team with all applicable required information and assistance as shall be required in order to address the technical issues that occurred. The Company shall maintain appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards designed to protect the security of

Your Responsibilities

You represent and undertake to procure and ensure that you comply with, adhere to the provisions set forth in these Terms and all applicable laws, regulations, rules, statutes or ordinances governing or otherwise relating to your use of the Services, including privacy and consumer laws. You represent and warrant that you: (a) own or have all the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to the Customer Website(s) and any content displayed on it, and (b) are responsible for the Customer Website(s) including its availability, maintenance, any content available therein and its systems and infrastructure. You agree: (a) to immediately notify Company of any actual, suspected, or potential security breach or improper use of the Services; and (b) not to engage in any activity or in a manner that is inconsistent with your obligations under these Terms.

Disclaimer of Warranties


Disclaimer of Warranties






no event will termination following the expiration of the Refund Period relieve you of your obligation to pay any Subscription Fees due to the Company for the period of your then-current Subscription Period.

We may terminate these Terms and the License, at any time, for any reason, by providing you with a 30-days prior written notice. If we terminate these Terms and the License, we will refund to you any prepaid Subscription Fees covering the remainder of your Subscription Period after the effective date of such termination. Each party may terminate these Terms and the License for cause, by written notice, if (i) the other party is in a material breach of these Terms and such breach remains uncured for 14 days of written notice thereof, or (ii) the other party becomes the subject of a petition in bankruptcy or any other proceeding relating to insolvency, receivership, liquidation or assignment for the benefit of creditors. If we terminate these Terms and the License according to Section 4(i), your obligation to pay any Subscription Fees payable to us for the period up to and until the expiration of your then-current Subscription Period shall remain in full force and effect. In no event will such termination relieve you of your obligation to pay any Subscription Fees due to the Company for th period of your then current Termination of these Terms will not relieve you from your obligation to pay any fees that are due or entitle you to any refund.

All the provisions of these Terms that by their nature need to survive termination of these Terms and any accrued rights related to payments shall survive such termination. The termination of these Terms, in part or in whole, shall not limit either party from pursuing other remedies available to it, nor shall you be relieved of your obligation to pay any fees that are due and owing to Company under these Terms through the effective date of termination, unless otherwise stated herein. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of these Terms as permitted herein.


We reserve the right, at our discretion, to update, change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms at any time. All non- material changes are effective immediately when we post them on the Website and apply to all access to and use of the Services thereafter. If we make material updates to these Terms that would negatively impact your rights or increase your obligations hereunder, we will notify you of the change via the Services or by e-mail to the e-mail address associated th your User Account or in any Modifications We reserve the right, at our discretion, to update, change, modify, add or remove portions of these terms at any time. All non-material changes are effective immediately when we post them on the website and apply ton all access to and use of the services there after. If we make material updates to these terms that would negatively impact your rights or increase your obligations hereunder, we will notify you of the change via the services or by email to the email address associated with your user account, or in any other similar manner . if you do not agree with the change, you have the right to terminate these terms by closing your user account. Access or use of the services following receipt of a notice updating these terms constitute your acceptance of the update or change and consent to the updated terms. The most current version of these terms will appear on the website under the “Terms of service”.